JToH's Joke Towers Wiki

Hello person, and welcome to the JToH's Joke Towers Wiki, <INSERT USERNAME HERE>!
This is a fanmade wiki which branches off of the JToH wiki, and none of this stuff is actually canon to JToH. All content here is fanmade. Before contributing, please look at the wiki's Rules, as well as the Manual of Style and the Difficulty Rules if you’re planning on making an unofficial difficulty. However, PLEASE focus on towers. For more information you can go to the Home page of the wiki and/or the About page.

Also, Viranenthusiast has made a main page revamp.


JToH's Joke Towers Wiki
JToH's Joke Towers Wiki

The цth difficulty chart page. This time, it actually has a general basis for the difficulties. 10+ normal difficulties will begin the chart.

Let me explain the types of difficulties here from least important to most important.

Types Of Difficulties[]

this is subject to change.

Mosaic22 Sub-Difficulty

A sub difficulty is the least important type of difficulty. In the alternate difficulty chart you will most commonly see these in classes 0 through 5. These difficulties serve less purpose than a normal difficulty however they still count as a difficulty. These are housed by normal difficulties. The icon size for this type of difficulty is 25x25 and most if not all are suggested by all of you.

Difficulty Ball Normal Difficulty

A normal difficulty is you guessed it; an average difficulty. These are suggested by the community and they make up the following classes: -1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 16, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. The icon size for this type of difficulty is 35x35.

EvergreenNewest Legendary/Leaf DifficultyThese types of difficulties have been approved by maple himself to be higher than others and more important. An icon like Jank Jank’s old icon would never be a legendary and a name like “hell toll” would not be a legendary. Leaf difficulties are ones made by maple. The icon size for these difficulties are 50x50 and they have to be creative and actually have effort put into it.

Babass’s Reign Mythical Difficulty

These types of difficulties have severe importance to this chart and most of the time, have actual pages. The requirements transcend those of legendaries but are overshadowed by transcendant difficulties. The icon size for these types of difficulties are 75x75 and you seriously need to seek otherwise if you somehow got a difficulty of this type.


These difficulties are beyond every difficulty on this chart. Pages with this type are BASICALLY REQUIRED to have a page, and not only that; it must have a status of fabled or legendary on the alternate difficulty chart. This rule can be broken if the difficulty icon and name are beyond anything maple can think of. The icon size for these types of difficulties are 125x125 and only ONE difficulty holds this title. This will most likely always be the case.

Class -1: Belowground[]

This class is the belowground of maple’s dc chart and none of these difficulties count as real. You can beat the lower half of this class in 0.0001th of a second meanwhile the upper half you could beat in 30 seconds.

This class is going to be entirely filled with difficulties made by you, the reader. You can suggest difficulties in the comments of this post or when this is a main page (never) you can add some yourself! Even though i have included faceful difficulties in hello’s dc, i’m talking about all my difficulties with/that had actual pages.

Standard: Free

Lower Half (Fictional)[]

  • N/A (-1)
  • N/A (-0.9)
  • N/A (-0.8)
  • N/A (-0.7)
  • N/A (-0.6)

Upper Half (Real)[]

  • N/A (-0.5)
  • N/A (-0.4)
  • N/A (-0.3)
  • N/A (-0.2)
  • N/A (-0.1)

Class 0: The Beginning[]

The beginning of what lies the first official difficulty. Unrebirth Supreme is the first difficulty that you will come across in this sprint. This class so far has one difficulty and any other addons will be by the community.

Standard: Medium

Low Class 0[]

Mid Class 0[]

  • N/A (0.25)
  • N/A (0.375)

High Class 0[]

  • N/A (0.5)
  • N/A (0.625)

Peak Class 0[]

  • N/A (0.75)
  • N/A (0.9)

Class 1: Beginners[]

This class is what sets the snowball rolling down the hill. More Leaf Difficulties will appear here and as a result, this class will be less free to normal difficulties, and rather be more open to sub difficulties.

Standard: Medium

Bottom Class 1[]

Low Class 1[]

  • N/A (1.5)
  • N/A (2)

Mid Class 1[]

  • N/A (2.5)
  • N/A (3)

High Class 1[]

  • N/A (3.5)
  • N/A (4)

Peak Class 1[]

Class 2: Tricky[]

This is where things really start to amp up. You’ll find borderline soul-crushings near the end of the class and most obbyists can’t make it past this class. You may have noticed at this point that this really isn’t that similar to the actual alternate DC in certain ways. Good job if you made it this far!

Standard: Low

Baseline Class 2[]

  • N/A (5.25)
  • N/A (5.5)
  • N/A (5.75)
  • N/A (6)

Low Class 2[]

  • N/A (6.25)
  • N/A (6.5)
  • N/A (6.75)
  • RandomNewest Random (7)

Mid Class 2[]

  • N/A (7.25)
  • N/A (7.5)
  • N/A (7.75)
  • N/A (8)

High Class 2[]

  • N/A (8.25)
  • N/A (8.5)
  • N/A (8.75)
  • N/A (9)

Peak Class 2[]

  • N/A (9.25)
  • N/A (9.5)
  • N/A (9.75)
  • N/A (10)

Class 3: Device Breakingly Hard[]

All difficulties here are soul crushing, and even trying to attempt one of these could take up to months of completion. Congratulations if you pass one of these.

Standard: Medium

Low Class 3[]

  • N/A (10)
  • N/A (10.5)

Mid Class 3[]

  • N/A (11)
  • N/A (11.5)

High Class 3[]

  • Non-Joke Non-Joke (12)
  • N/A (13)

Peak Class 3[]

  • N/A (14)
  • Meta Meta (15)

Class 4: Insanity[]

Most difficulties here are impossible, so you’ll be seeing alot happen here. All of these difficulties in this class are made by you, the reader.

Standard: Free

Baseline Class 4[]

  • N/A (15.25)
  • N/A (15.5)
  • N/A (15.75)
  • N/A (16)

Low Class 4[]

  • N/A (16.25)
  • N/A (16.5)
  • N/A (16.75)
  • N/A (17)

Mid Class 4[]

  • N/A (17.25)
  • N/A (17.5)
  • N/A (17.75)
  • N/A (18)

High Class 4[]

  • N/A (18.25)
  • N/A (18.5)
  • N/A (18.75)
  • N/A (19)

Peak Class 4[]

  • N/A (19.25)
  • N/A (19.5)
  • N/A (19.75)
  • N/A (20)

Class 5: Impossibility[]