Miscellany Project |
The article that you are about to view is a miscellaneous project. It is not a difficulty. |
"UoFTE, perhaps" - Touchgrass210779 |
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Affiliated with UoFTE Universe of Free To Edit is a page that is affiliated to the Universe of Free To Edit, a fictional tower fangame. “Welcome to the Universe of Free To Edit!" -UoFTE main page |
Collaboration |
Universe of Free To Edit is a collaboration page, meaning it was made by more than one person. If the page isn’t finished, please be patient. |
"we should start working together" - YataDev |
This page has 100K bytes to 250K bytes, and will cause lots of lag when editing on low-end devices. Please do not make large edits. |
"bro how am i even able to load this" - MapleIsNotAMapleLeaf on Tomfoolery's page. |
Important Information[]
- RIP Discord (~June 2022 to ~February 2023)
- There is a new one
- Not anymore nope!
- There is a new one
- Wiki is here.
- The official game is here! (Keep in mind, this is outdated. Uses the more complicated UoFTE.)
- Thought this wasn't enough (Come on, it is), visit the more complicated/original version here.
- When adding notes (the (you have super long legs (yes i dont know) cause <-) things), use an indentation.
- This note here is an indentation. This is also to simplify things. (Create one using pressing tab)
- Why is there a bracket mayhem there
Current Events and Notes[]
- Mars released due to popular demand.. and was subsequently filled by Bruhshard.
- Can yall use the indentation for notes like it says above and not brackets? kthx
- CITADELS: 11 to 25
- OBELISKS: 30 to 80
- GREAT CITADELS: 100 to 400 (System-Exclusive. About 600 will exist.)
- MONOLITH: 500 to 2000 (Galaxy-Exclusive. About 50 will exist.)
- SPACE NEEDLE: 2500 to 10000 (Quasar-Exclusive. Only 14 will exist.)
- MENHIR: 20000 to 50000 (Wall-Exclusive. Only 5 will exist.)
Welcome to the Universe of Free To Edit! This is a JToH fictional community fangame where almost ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! This is your basic world and ALL OF IT* CAN FIT IN HERE! So don't get too messy please. Enjoy your stay at the resort!
As of 04/04/24 there is one Galaxy, one Solar System, three Worlds, and no events.
- depending on how big your "basic world" is
List of Available Assets[]
Basically if you want to know what is allowed and what isn't. This helpful list will tell you (unlike UoFTE, where towers of basically anything was allowed).
- Only official difficulties and sub difficulties.
- There also will be more difficulties to add a bit of variety. Go HERE if you want to see the chart.
- No GATS.
- Exceptions may be made on certain occasions
- The list of allowed structures are:
- Edifices
- Steeples
- Towers
- NEaTs (3)
- Citadels (3)
- Obelisk (1)
- Tower Rush (Variable)
- You can also do facilities or not included the traditional Type of ___ naming convention, but please indicate the type (eg. Steeple)
- Only 3 Fake structures (Can be GAT)
Basically that's all the ones you need to know.
Difficulty Chart[]
Due to the extreme shortage of difficulties in Class 6+, there will be a few more difficulties implemented into UoFTE: Simplified. The entire chart will also be added with the extension of a few.
Structure Classifications[]
There are much less SCs now due to the lower difficulty range. Only being 82 difficulties! This has been put to an extent however. Anyways here is the list used in UoFTE:S! Check it out. (Somehow, this still fits an acronym)
Human Teasing Difficulties[]
Human Teasing Difficulties are just "Normal" difficulties. They are the ones an average JTOH Player could do on the upper half and average Roblox player on the lower half. Structures within this Difficulty Classification require none to a bit of skill. This is also 1 of 2 humanly possible Difficulty Classifications so good luck!
Noob Zone Structures (Win to Jumpless)[]
Noob Zone Structures are the starting point of the game. They require little to no effort and are the "Freebies" of the game. Structures can be automatic to just walking a couple of studs! Making this a perfect (but bad) starting point. This is also the replacement for Psychologically Unsafe Structures as the names acronym is kind of sus, I ran out of space to put it in and 5 Human Teasing Difficulties is bad.
Beginner Structures (Lovely to Effortlessless)[]
Beginner Structures are well for beginners. This is the point where the structures become more difficult for the average player. Remember that an Effortlessless or Peaceful difficulty obby is relative to a Mega Fun Obby or Castle Tides (FE2). The rest of the difficulties are freebies. Normal JTOH players would easily pass this and even very new players. This is the start of true gameplay instead of pressing a key or waiting 15 seconds.
Intermediate Structures (Effortless to Difficult)[]
Intermediate Structures are basically the "Roblox Obby: Advanced" stuff. Structures within this Structure Classification would include 2 to 7 stud jumps, 1 to 4 stud wraps and more. A regular Roblox player may start to struggle with structures of this Structure Classification as the difficulty starts to ramp up fast. To compare: This is the same as some of the harder Obby Creator towers, Most Normal and some Hard difficulty maps in Flood Escape 2 or some of the "Harder" low budget obbies (Like 2 Player Obby) in Roblox.
Advanced Stuctures (Challenging to Relentless)[]
Advanced Structures are nigh-impossible to the average Roblox player. Someone doing a Relentless obby would make them think they are hacking. Anyways Advanced Structures are the regular obbies the upper average JTOH person would beat. Comparing this: An Intense difficulty obby is equivalent to Dark Sci Facility and Sinking Ship from Flood Escape, the first 7 stages of The Impossible and Possible Obby and many Tier 66 to 7 obbies. It is recommended you do not attempt these for fun and you will have a bad time if you are new to the Obby Community.
Soul Crushing Difficulties[]
Mentally Insane Structures (Insane to Ghastly)[]
Soul Crushing structures are the first ones to be unnecessary for JToH's progression. High amounts of practice and skill re required, and on the higher end, you're most likely committing to a several day grind. Client object are either spammed or non-existent.
Insanity Inducing Structures (Catastrophic to Prodigious)[]
This is the point where the human's limit is reached. Such precision in each jump is so ridiculous is takes months to practice a part in one of the later difficulties. This is where JToH's Hardest Towers begin, but this isn't the hardest towers, not in this game.
Life Ending Structures (nil to DEATH)[]
This is the point where robots will have to do it. The TAS system is a system which can help perform insane movements so precise and so accurate it is negligible that a human will do it. Structures here usually require low level TAS. And with TAS, the difficulty of these structures drop to around Unforgiving. Obstacles usually include killbricks, spinner spam and wallhopping of immense precision.
Eternalized Structures (Nullifying to Omega)[]
At this point, it is over. TAS starts to get difficult here. Once you pass HELL or TARTARUS, everything starts to become luckbased. Structures in this classification can takes weeks on end to beat the tower WITH TAS, due to the unforgiving gameplay and luck-based mechanics.
Heart Wrenching Difficulties[]
Devilish Structures (SUFFER to Malevolent)[]
This is where things. Get. REAL. Everything here is IKBs, and the introduction of Kick Bricks are on the horizon. At this point, you can reached the end of TAS. Structures in this class can be from Terrifying to Unreal with TAS, and months on end with no end start to appear each time you start a structure. This is your absolute final limit.
Internally Painful Structures (Does Not Compute to Supreme)[]
Welcome to hell. Or usually called the Red Zone (coined by Conceptia). At this point, only robot-ran robots can do this. This is like building a TFinD obstacle. There will always be human error, and the obstacle won't be TFinD, let alone Liminal. A new form of life is forced to enter through ever, leaving everything else it ever knew or will know. Do not hold back. Embrace what is hell. For obstacles to be in this class, new glitches have to be entirely invented just for the occasion, like the infamous Moon and Mars Wallhop. Both of which are of course, unverifiable.
Death Enticing Structures (Oblivion to Ultimaniac)[]
Beyond the robot. A low-level quantum computer is the minimum requirement. The quantum computer will search through every single possible thing the Roblox player can do, and then it will find the perfect answer. Luck itself has been bested. Obstacles here have so obscure obstacles that they don't even look possible in anyway. But the computer did it.
Infinity Structures (Superior to Jesus Ballin)[]
Welcome to the end. Nothing can reach the end. Do you know why? Because the obstacles actually are impossible. There are special techniques and code BUILT into the structure, preventing anyone from reaching the winpad. Mars Wallhopping to the top of the tower is useless now. Obstacles are inevitable to death. Even the best Quantum Computers will take millenia to find a solution, and the only solution it will find, it just to hack.
Beyond Impossible Difficulties[]
Chaotic Structures (Universal to Hopeless)[]
Omnipotent Structures (Infinity to Dilly Impossible)[]
Your hacking. No I mean your hacking literally. Structures within this tower classification are beyond impossible. The only way you could beat this is with extreme hacks letting you do things. Some structures here even REQUIRE Roblox hacks to progress in the structure. That is just insanity. Even more, you have to do tasks beyond anyone's comprehensibility. This is it.
Beating this will conquer your endless on JJT. You have reached the exit of JJT's rabbit hole. Now its time to move on to other things in life. Get a job, become a verified builder for any tower fangame. There is nothing else to conquer as you conquered it all... right?
Sacred Babass Structures[]
You know that it wasn't the end. You are right. Beyond this is just a guessing game of proper difficulty. It can be easy as a 55+0.01 stud jump spam to Moonwallhopping 5 Quintillion studs non stop with ban bricks everywhere and 1.0e10^-10^-100^10Template:210 chance of surviving a 1.0e10^-G(10^{{{{{5000}}}}}10)th of a plank time.
You know you aren't beating this. You can try all you like but this is technically unclassified. It can be comparing as Instant Win or as SCCD as SCCD as SCCD for another Googolplex times as SCCD on the difficulty chart. Babass however, is on a whole new level. It consists of... well we don't know. That's how hard it is...
This is like the Pit of Misery of Universe of Free To Edit: Simplified. 2 difficulties, 2 to 3 realms. A black hole, a void and possibly something even greater than the boundaries of this own universe. Who knows? Only time will tell that soon.Keys[]
A Key in UoFTE is where there is something to note for the tower. To find a key, if you see a bullet point indentation, it will have one of the symbols for a key. Here is a list of Keys that can be found.
Secret Ending Keys[]
Secret Ending keys have no official icon. The icon can be any difficulty except for Instant Win to Automatic as you can not have a secret ending without doing anything. For Secret Ending much higher, they will most likely be removed. Let's say the limit is 5 difficulties above the highest difficulty tower. An example of this is found below.
Series Keys[]
Series Keys are keys to tell you if it is part of a multiple structure list having some sort of relation to each other (or not). Here is the current list of Series. This is also the only key to not have the indentation, rather being next to the difficulty of the tower.
If your tower has a note (As in being a fake-out, only outside, purist etc.) you must add. Use an indentation as it is basically a key. Also so that readers can see the information more clearly. A list of reasons can be found below.
- Fake-Out
- Only Outside
- Purist
- Only Night
- Collapses
- Lower Jump / Lower Walkspeed
- Inception
- Has a B (C, (D, etc.)) side
- Tower Crosses to n towers
- Requires something to enter
Lengthy Towers[]
Towers for their length, duh. When adding these, just make the time the average. Not the speedrun or unspeedrun
- Not So Long (45 Minutes+) (Base Difficulty Automatic)
- LONG (1 Hour+) (Base Difficulty Automatic)
- VERY LONG (1.5 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Automatic)
- SUPER LONG (2 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Automatic)
- MEGA LONG (2.5 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Automatic)
- ULTRA LONG (3 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Automatic)
- INSANELY LONG (3.5 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Effortless)
- EXTREMELY LONG (4 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Effortless)
- ABSURDLY LONG (4.5 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Effortless)
- TERRIFYINGLY LONG (5 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Playground)
- CATASTROPHICALLY LONG (5.5 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Simple)
- HYPERLY LONG (6 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Easy)
- OMEGA LONG (6.5 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Medium)
- GIGALONG (7 Hours+) (Base Difficulty Normal)
- TERALONG (8 HOURS+) (Base Difficulty Hard)
- PETALONG (9 HOURS+) (Base Difficulty Difficult)
- EXALONG (10 HOURS+) (Base Difficulty Irritating)
- ZETTALONG (11 HOURS+) (Base Difficulty Remorseless)
- YOTTALONG (HALF A DAY+) (Base Difficulty Insane)
- RONNALONG (14 HOURS+) (Base Difficulty Thanos)
- QUETTALONG (18 HOURS+) (Base Difficulty Extreme)
- OMNILONG (1 DAY+) (Base Difficulty Absurd)
You know, the gray cubes... whatever anyways this only has super complicated ones rather than normal ones like a moon wallhop or a ballwalk.
- MULTI-PURPOSE OBSTACLE REQUIRED (An obstacle with at least 10 catches)
Trivia and Notes[]
- UoFTE is the current biggest fangame in JToH history. Once finished, there will be over 50,000 structures.
- Universe of Free To Edit was initially made as a joke (also partly because the difficulty lock in early 2022).
- UoFTE also inspired the creation of many more fangames.
- Some include: JJT Fictional Fangame
- Galaxies of Unoriginal Difficulties
- and more to come!
- When doing a fakeout structure, the easier difficulties goes first to signify the portal difficulty.
- The same is for a reverse fakeout. The harder difficulty goes first and the easier after to show the real difficulty.
- A "Randomized" structure (e.g. World 4 Randomized Structure) means that once entering the portal, you get a completely random structure. This structure will be then permanent. These also give you Structure Points.
- The list of structure points given is here
- Edifices =0.25
- Steeples =0.5
- Towers =1
- Citadels =2
- Obelisks =3
- Great Citadel: 10
- Monolith: 50
- Please stick to one icon. Unique and unfamiliar icons can be misleading. Use the icon in the tabbers.
- It is HIGHLY recommended to keep 2 tabs on this page, the other tabber can be used for checking tabbers and checking for conflicts.
- If there is a conflict, copy your structure's code and paste it back in a different edit by reloading.
- If you are planning to add more than 5 structures, then use something like a note pad to keep their name, difficulty and other key information.
User Rules[]
Rules for the entire page[]
- No NSFW. Self-Explanatory.
- No Vandalizing. Self-Explanatory.
- Be friendly to others. We dont want any drama here.
- Have fun!
- No removing any rules.
- You can not remove the rule above.
Moderator Rules and Permissions[]
- Allowed to remove towers with justification.
- No removing rules.
- Changing difficulties of towers.
- Rename towers. Add an indentation showing the old name though.
Sanjay2133 Rules[]
- Add 25 towers every 20 minutes.
- Allowed to break any rule excluding the ones in "Sanjay2133 Rules" and "OrbentuneAlt" Rules.
- Not allowed to change the SC and DC. (Structure Classifications and Difficulty Classifications)
OrbentuneAlt Rules![]
- Do whatever I want lol.
Structure Rules[]
- No crappy names. Think about whether a name would actually go into a real fangame
- An example is Steeple of Super Hard Omega Infinityplex Impossible
- For good structure names, take an existing structure's name with a similar theme, or coming up with a little-word name and then Thesaurus.com-ing it.
- Don't do this on all structures though, try to have some creative names too.
- The longest letters for a structure name is 6.
- Example is Tower of Extremely Satisfying Tricks, Traps and Terrifying Rats. Which has 7.
- Add icons next to each structure.
- Use real words. Making up random words is dumb and useless.
- There will be exceptions for this however. It will need to have a good reason.
- Make towers that actually would not break the Roblox ToS or Fandom ToS.
- Do NOT steal towers from GoUD.
- Official Difficulties, Official Sub Difficulties and the Minor Extended Official Difficulty Chart are allowed.
Example Structure:[]
The above is what a good structure would be, fitting all the rules. Once you have followed and read the rules. Get started and hop your way to making structures!
List of Contributors[]
Moderators (Apply now lol)[]
- TheEndlessNova
- Bruhshard1
- The Difficulty Enthusiast
- federated rep of brazil
- OrbentuneAlt
- TheEndlessNova (a.k.a. NotEvenaTower12)
- The Difficulty Enthusiast
- Bruhshard1
- Sanjay2133
- Auserfromrobloxx
- Qwerzy
- SolsticeNotLunar (a.k.a. PurplePastelPanda)
- Feoducky
- KoolDaBaller
- ChimpsModeNow
- Voortando152
- SacredCata
- AlsoForkiet
- EpicTheGamer2014 (a.k.a. Sanjay2133)
- Federate Republic of Brazil
- GnomedStationYT6
- CalmfullyCalmness (a.k.a. The Difficulty Enthusiast)
- NilGaming
- TotallyNotAMeme00
- AwesomeRylan1214
- Saobaomenace
- Supreme the JJT Bot (a.k.a. Bruhshard1)
- Neotendo
- ImnotAAAA
Add yourself to engrave your name in JJT history!
Universe of Free To Edit[]
Wall 1: Wall of Non-Fictionality[]
Also known as the Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex, This is one of 3 small walls. This is equivalent to a Galaxy in normal UoFTE by the way. Anyways, here you would find many of the more popular areas with names as anything beyond the Milky Way is already unknown. This has the slowest progression of the 3, each world rises by 1 baseline difficulty (e.g. World 1s easiest tower is Win, World 2 is Unlosable, Automatic, Joyful etc. by the final world (probably world 30 to 35), the baseline would be Class 3).
Galaxy 1: Sagittarius Surge[]
Also known as the Milky Way Galaxy, Galaxy 1 is equivalent to a Galaxy. Actually out of any galaxy here in Wall 1, this one progresses the fastest. Galaxy 1 also would have much more familiarity to the Andromeda Galaxy which probably indeed has solar systems... just too irrelevant. Anyways to get down into lower tiers, click enter to hop on into Solar System 1!
Solar System 1: Solaris Oort[]
Also known as The Sun (Not to be confused with the unofficial difficulty), Solar System 1 is the first world in UoFTE. Solar System 1 has an easy progression at the beginning but ramps up very quickly to harder levels by World 5. This also has the biggest difficulty spike in Galaxy 1 from Apocalyptic in Temp 6. to Jesus Ballin' being the maximum difficulty in Temp 7. As well, the chart has been slightly extended due to the extreme shortage in difficulties in Class 7 to 9.
World 1: Hot-Cold Planet[]
Also known as Mercury, World 1 is technically the first realm... it sounds very confusing I know but it had to be this way. World 1 also has the second largest difficulty range. Ranging from Instant Win to HELL, this world also has a lot of structures. Traversing here is going to be chaotic as well as it mashes all of Mercury into 1 big horror.
- Tower Count: 26
- Steeple Count: 17
- Edifice Count: 11
- NEaT Count: 2
- Misc. Count: 6
- Removed: At least 10 (only 2 were recorded)
- Total (Doesn't Include Removed): 62
- Difficulty Range: Instant Win to HELL.
- Requirements:
- A Supercomputer (maybe built out of Penultimate Ore).
Human Teasing Difficulties[]
Noob Zone Structures[]
Tower of Absurdly Simple Training
Edifice of Instantaneous Relics
Tower of A Fresh Restart
Edifice of Roller Coaster Rides
Steeple of Jolly Jumping
Tower of Rocky Ventures
Steeple of Quirky Oddities
Tower of Blossoming Blooms
Beginner Structures[]
A Lovely Voyage (Steeple)
Tower of Pyramid Escalations
Steeple of Leafy Abudance
Tower of City Skylines
Edifice of Dreamlike Essence
Tower of Jeweled Luxury
Edifice of Simplistic Serenity
Intermediate Structures[]
Steeple of Short and Elementary Gameplay
Absolutely Not a Tower
Tower of Absolute Mediocrity
Tower of Conforming to Societal Norms
Steeple of Innovational Technology
Edifice of Slender Acclivities
Tower of Scrumptious Delicacies
Steeple of Harmful Remarks
Advanced Structures[]
Edifice of Caged Misfortunes
Steeple of Clutter and Confusion
Tower of Tight Proportions
Strenuous Steeple
Tower of Extenuating Torment
The Depressing Passage (Steeple)
Tower of Abnormal Abominations
Tower of Moving Madness
Edifice of Epileptic Flashing (epilepsy warning!)
Steeple of Ruthless, Restless, Relentless, Remorseless, Regretless Ruins
Soul Crushing Difficulties[]
Mentally Insane Structures[]
Tower of Programming Catastrophes
Steeple of Unnecessary Quip
Steeple of Infinity and Beyond: The Return
Edifice of Treachery
Tower of Widening Layers
Edifice of Varying Elevation
Tower of Draconic Discoveries
Tower of Intricate Designs
Not Even an Aviating Adventures
Insanity Inducing Structures[]
Tower of Cellular-Based Atrocities
Edifice of Primordial Wonders
Tower of Emotional Discord
Steeple of Elaborate Creativity
Tower of Grandiose Trinkets
Tower of Vigorous Labors
Steeple of Visual Impairment
Tower of Sequential Perfection
Life Ending Structures[]
Steeple of Sharp Landscapes
Tower of Poetic Lament
Sanjay's Residence (Steeple)
Tower of Fleet Footed Frenzy
Edifice of Unpredictable Circumstances
Eternalized Structures[]
World 2: An Acidic Haze[]
Also known as Venus, world 2 has almost double the amount of towers as Mercury due to being much larger. As more hard towers come in, the easier ones die out. Most towers here are acidic/toxic. This means you take damage in them. The only towers that actually are safe can be found in the Volcanic Cave. Most Human Teasing Structures are found there and a few Soul Crushing.
- Tower Count: 39 (1 Facility included)
- Steeple Count: 21
- Edifice Count: 20
- NEaT Count: 1
- Misc. Count: 7
- Removed: 30 (3 Secrets Ending not included)
- Total: 88
- Difficulty Range: Unlosable to CALAMITY
- Requirements:
- 8 Structure Points
- 2 Human Teasing Difficulties
Human Teasing Difficulties[]
Noob Zone Structures[]
Edifice of Not Impressing Victory
Tower of Safety and Security Ensured: Revamp
Steeple of Cellular Automata
Steeple of Chair Demolishment
- Horizontal steeple
Tower of Eternal Obliteration, Totally Not Lying
- Fakeout
Edifice of Out of Game Waiting
- Join the tower, then join it again any time after 24 hours to win.
- Omnilong...?
Edifice of Broken-Legged Ascension
Tower of Hyper Burning Chaos
Beginner Structures[]
Edifice of The Devil's Tornado
Steeple of Hidden Acids
Steeple of Birthday Cake
- Outside Only
- Cylindrical Frame Shrinking Every Floor
- Every Floor A Different Flavour (E.g. Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate...)
The Skullduggery Pleasant (Tower)
- Horror-Themed
- Night time
Edifice of Gear Entertaining, Amazing Repetition
Tower of Overly Entertaining Zephyrs
- 30x30 Pillar In The Middle
- Only Outside
- Cloudy and Calm Theme
Tower of Super Simplistic Straightforward Sections
Enjoyable, Encouraging Edifice
Tower of Descending Enjoyability
- Descending
Tower of Undisturbed Peace
Steeple of Charming Kindness
Intermediate Structures[]
Steeple of Mystic Wonders
Edifice of Nature in Venus?
Tower of Annoyingly Simple Trials: Simplified Edition
Tower of Merciful Kindness
Tower of Quemeful Kindheartedness
Steeple of Somewhat Magical Havoc
Tower of The Nonexistent Boss
Amazingly Cool Tower
Tower of Oblique Observations
Steeple of Orientation
Edifice of The King's Trials of Greatness
Tower of Extensive Nightmares and Inexplicable Lengths
- ToGLA but the inner half is descending
The Noob King's Palace (tower)
Steeple of Seriously Unnecessary Stress
Tower of Nightmarish Eeriness
- Dark descending tower
- Inverse Dropper Floor 10
Advanced Structures[]
Steeple of Chaotic Wackiness
- Wacky frame
Edifice of Navigating Solemnities
Tower of Complex Extremities
Tower of Navigation
Edifice of Cruel Chromatic Challenges
Steeple of Wrecking Walls
Tower of Taking Too Long
- Easy gameplay only
Tower of Impossible Strategies
Tricky, Tight Tower
Tower of Taking Too Short
- SC gameplay only (1 minute)
Tower of Heavy Hellish Havoc
Edifice of Bizarre Brutality
Edifice of Direct Designf
Steeple of Immense Corruption
Tower of Horizontality and Verticality
Soul Crushing Difficulties[]
Mentally Insane Structures[]
Tower of Absurdly Atrocious Acts
The Summit (Steeple)
Edifice of Failing Under Necromancy
- Dark
Steeple of Endless Vacuity
Steeple of The Corrupt Destiny
Tower of Despicable Disharmony
Tower of Keyboard Eating Nonsense
Steeple of Absurdly Annoying Anomalies
Tower of Gigantic Problems
Edifice of Geyser Trauma
Steeple of Annoying Nonsense
Insanity Inducing Structures[]
Steeple of Traversing Canyons
Super Terrifying Acid-Lethal Lab (Edifice)
Mainly Extraordinarily Terrific and Lethal Facility
Tower of A Perilous Rock Climb
The Break (Edifice)
Tower of Mayhem
Edifice of Cataclysmic Stalagmites
Tower of Truly Amazing Design
Edifice of Zany Elemental Suffering
Tower of Quartz Obsolescence
Steeple of Dubious Jumps
Edifice of Monumental Pandemonium
Life Ending Structures[]
Steeple of Whirling Demise
Tower of Bizarre Blitz
Tower of Omniscient Memories
- Night Time
- Foggy
- 2 Basements
Edifice of Inhumane Knockout
Steeple of Wounding Wicked Wrath
Tower of Prejudicial Phosphorite
Eternalized Structures[]
Citadel of Corrupted Venus
The Descending Stalactite
- Descend a Stalactite to reach a custom winroom.
- Prequel to The Cascading Stalagmite
- All outside
- No proper frame
The Cascading Stalagmite
- Cascade a Stalagmite to reach a custom winroom.
- The same winroom as TDS
- Sequel to The Descending Stalactite
- All outside
- No proper frame
- Cascade a Stalagmite to reach a custom winroom.
World 2 Structure Rush
The Stalactite and Stalagmite Rush
World 2 Randomized Structure
Let me remind you that normal users cannot delete these.
Tower of Playground Leisures (Doesn't fit with the fact that THIS IS VENUS) (It can..)
Steeple of Unfamiliar Idiomaticnesses (Remorselessless difficulty, stop with the complicated names) (You do it too, besides we do it so we dont run out)
Tower of Persistent Leniency Exceeding Severe Snappishnesses (complicated words)
Steeple of Unyielding Tenaciousnesses (complicated words)
Edifice of Unrecognizable Complications (Unofficial difficulty)
The Heater (GAT Tower) (GAT)
Steeple of Difficulty Ascent (Unofficial)
Room of Experimental Learning (AI makes obstacles, they get worse and harder each time) (Unofficial)
Tower of Despicable Me (GAT) (No GATS)
Tower of Plumb Peanuts (Grow a peanut farm..?) (What is this name)
Tower of Xylanthrax (Unreal word) (It means Distinct from Mineral Coal (Charcoal)) so you're wrong.
The Triple Fracture (Edifice) (Edifice =4 Floors) (no it isn't?) (Edifice: 3-4 floors???)
Room of Terrifying Depths (Room's don't exist)
Edifice of Basic Blue Brightness (venus =not blue)
Room of Killbrick Mayhem (Room's don't exist)
Tower of Impossible Execution (bad name) (Wow.. How tho)
Tower of Worldwide Wreckages ("worldwide") (Yes, because this is Mercury??)
Tower of Godawful Design (Not gat but the design is so bad) (I don't like it) (Biased)
Steeple of Hallucinatory Insanity (bad name)
Edifice of Unsentimental Ruthlessness (complicated words)
Tower of Misleading Tricks and Traps (bad name somehow)
- Troll Tower
- Has a B-side from F6-F10
Tower of Vast Trolls (bad)
- Trap tower
Tower of The Perishing Punishment (that difficulty isn't allowed and the name doesn't make sense)
Tower of Horrifying Perishment (fake word)
Edifice of Partying (venus)
Steeple of Crimson Colored Challenges (wrong planet buddy)
Tower of Nova's Demise (ratio)
Edifice of Literally A Pain (bad name)
Palace of Ruined Navigations (Palaces aren't allowed)
Palace of The Toxic Queen (read above)
World 3: The Blue Marble[]
Hello player! Welcome to World 3. Your very friendly blue marble! Here, towers actually have no meaning and can be whatever they want (unlike other realms). The same will be for Mars too if you were wondering. As you venture in the Solar System, towers will gain more pressure and thus will have an increase in difficulty.
- Tower Count: 57
- Steeple Count: 32
- Edifice Count: 19
- NEaT Count: 1
- Misc. Count: 8
- Removed: 30
- Total: 116
- Difficulty Range: Instant Win to Apocalyptic.
- Requirements:
- 20 Structure Points
- 11 Beginner Structures
- 7 Intermediate Structures
Human Teasing Difficulties[]
Noob Zone Structures[]
Tower of The Instantaneous Air
Edifice of A Breath
Steeple of The Win Zone
Tower of Collapsing History
Steeple of Getting Cancelled Speedrun
- Automatic, tons of scripts to replicate the internet
Steeple of Conveyors and Elevators
Automation Edifice
Tower of a Cruel Offensive Joke
- You're in a wheelchair during the entire tower, at the end you ride a conveyer through fake stairs to the winpad
Tower of 1 Jump
Steeple of Jumping and Walking
Edifice of Going One Direction
- Horizontal Edifice
Tower of Boring Gameplay
Tower of The Fun Never Ends
Beginner Structures[]
Elizabeth Tower
Edifice of Tree Enjoyment
Tree Steeple (climbing a tree, sequel to EoTE)
Tower of Jungle Joys
Steeple of Under-Decorated Fury
- Looks really bad
Steeple of Inside Exploration
- Opposite of SoOE, Mostly inside
- There are holes on every floor
Steeple of Outside Exploration
- Mostly outside
- There’s a safety net on every floor
Tower of Existential Chaos
Tower of Existential Chaos II
Steeple of Obtaining Pleasantries
Tower of Mediocre Struggles
Edifice of Chaotic Scenery
Steeple of Babyland But I'm Not Grounded
Tower of Endless Victory
Super Steeple
Intermediate Structures[]
Edifice of Entertaining Extraterrestrial Expeditions
Steeple of Ascending Earth's Mountains
Edifice of Pretty Paradigms
Tower of Amazing Features
Edifice of Fun Courses
Tower of Placidity
Tower of Marble Rolling
Steeple of Joyously Jovial Jazziness
Tower of Isn't This A Citadel?
- Fake Floors (Floors Without Gameplay)
- Wacky
- Very Long
Tower of Cruel Traps
Tower of Icy, Slippery Obstacles
Tower of Random Mechanics
Steeple of Treacherously Tremendous Adventures
Steeple of Total Teamwork Efforts
Tower of Exploring Abandoned Alcazars
Advanced Structures[]
Tower of Circus Delusions
Steeple of Vast Châteaux
Steeple of 'Endless Waiting'
Edifice of Proficiency
Tower of Lava-Filled Chasms
Steeple of Client Object Abuse
Tower of Going Mental
Tower of Sorrow and Anguish
Terrible Tower
The Colosseum's Gauntlet (Steeple)
Tower of Icy Conveying
- Ice-Based and Conveyor-Based
Steeple of Water Voyagers
Tower of Climbing A Tokyo Tower
Tower of Artificial Ascendance
Steeple of Very Immense Extraterrestrial Territory
Tower Tower
Steeple Steeple
- Both are really generic
Soul Crushing Difficulties[]
Mentally Insane Structures[]
Tower of Going Mentally Insane
Edifice of Neutralizing Time
Steeple of Tungsten Carbide Escape Rooms
Tower of Thanos' Gauntlet
Tower of Parkouring Above The Skies
Tower of Never Ending Pain
Edifice of Roblox in Roblox
Tower of The Castle of Mania
Tower of Underlying Madness
Tower of Numerous Button Mashing
Steeple of Pyramid Conspiracies
Tower of Riots in Turmoil
Tower of Existential Crisis III
Steeple of It's All Ohio?
Insanity Inducing Structures[]
Silly City (Steeple)
Serious Town (Tower)
Edifice of Lunar Celebrities
Steeple of Evolution Analysis
Tower of Watching Erosion
Steeple of Quicksand Eternities
Edifice of Ornamental Disguise
Tower of Occurring Technical Difficulties
Steeple of Many Merry Memories
- Floors themed after nostalgic Roblox games
Tower of True Merriment
Tower of Gaming Extravaganza
Tower of Terrible Tuesdays
Life Ending Structures[]
Steeple of Being Life Ending
Edifice of The Dune Racer
Edifice of Burkina Faso Empire Congregation Exploiting
Tower of Overthinking Your Sanity
Tower of Trench Diving
Steeple of Gruesome Evading
Tower of Cave Story
Tower of Cave-Filled Monstrosity
Tower of Existential Crisis IV
Tower of Whitespace
Not Even A Literally Fun Ultra Nexus
Eternalized Structures (8)[]
Sanjay's Castle (Citadel)
- Shaped like a castle
- Incredibly long (10 hours)
Citadel of The Ocean Circumference
Citadel of Unforgiving Torment
Steeple of Pteromerhanophobia (no) (don't choose dumb or comically complicated (e.g. Hypometaphysicalphobia, Quexcvizajerophobia etc.)
Tower of Cyanaphobia (no) (read above)
Palace of Luobu Obstacles (Palaces aren't allowed)
- Only is in the Chinese servers of roblox
Tower of Unending Tormentation (1 Apocalyptic Tower and Tormentation isn't a word)
Palace of Pain (Palaces aren't allowed)
Citadel of Angry Stomping (Citadels aren't allowed)
Tower of Fun, Simple Trials (sounds like a copy of ToFaST)
The Return of Mother Nature (Palace) (palace)
Tower of Totally Normal (bad name)
Edifice of Abstract (above)
Tower of Pure Stupidity (the name is purely stupid)
Deep Steeple (above)
Impossible Tower (above)
Impossible Steeple (above)
How Tower (above)
Edifice of Goofy Acronyms (EoGA isn't very goofy (above))
Ghast Steeple (above) (not real word)
Not Even Easy (above) (also no specified structure)
Edifice of Ahh Scary (above) (There's probably enough GATs already anyways)
Undertower (above) (not real word)
Tower of Skibidi Toilet (WHY) (above)
Eccentrically Easeless Edifice (above (fake word))
Steeple of Buffing Conveyers Everywhere (above)
Steeple of Ohio (above)
Change of Scene (above) (not good GD reference)
- Tower
Tower of Pisa (above)
Shoe Asylum (Edifice) (above)
Tower of Long Grinds (above)
Steeple of Overpopulation (above)
Tower of Speedful Confusion (fake word)
World 3.5: The Gray Marble[]
As you get into your rocket to get to Mars, you are hit with a giant grey marble unexpectedly, somehow you just never noticed it. A repairman demands 30 NEW points, 15 NEW Beginner Structures, 8 NEW Intermediate Structures and 1 NEW Advanced Structures to fix your rocket to go to Mars.
- Tower Count: 24
- Steeple Count: 14
- Edifice Count: 7
- NEaT Count: 0
- Misc. Count: 6
- Removed: 4
- Total: 51
- Difficulty Range: TooEasy to Autism
Human Teasing Difficulties[]
Beginner Structures[]
Intermediate Structures[]
Tower of Simple Movement All Leading Low
Edifice of Playing Around
Steeple of Rock Studying 101
Tower of Astronomically Stupendous Travelling
Tower of Classicality and Nostalgia
Tower of Moon Base Troubles
Advanced Structures[]
Soul Crushing Difficulties[]
Mentally Insane Structures[]
Tower of Eclipsing Fate
Tower of Ouch Brick Insanity
Steeple of The 6 Moon Gems
- Previously Steeple of The 6 Gems
Tower of Very Confusing Sections
Tower of Malfunctioning Space Rocket
Tower of Futuristic Construction
Steeple of Antifunfestal Pain
Edifice of Crater Craze
Steeple of Space Rocket's Secret Flower Garden
Insanity Inducing Structures[]
Edifice of Mental Asylum
Tower of The Giant Leap
The Lighter Side (Steeple)
Tower of Catastrophic Disasters
Aliens Tower Defense (Tower)
Tower of Lunar Catastrophe
Tower of Solar Chaos
Life Ending Structures (5)[]
Tower of Hazardous Moon Cave Spelunking
The Inhuman Limit (Steeple)
The Dark Side (Steeple)
Tower of A Tedious Run
The Darker Side (Steeple)
Eternalized Structures (5)[]
World 4: The Red Planet[]
- Tower Count: N/A
- Steeple Count: N/A
- Edifice Count: N/A
- NEaT Count: N/A
- Misc. Count: 8
- Total: N/A
- Difficulty Range: TooEasy to Monstrous
- Requirements:
- 35 Structure Points
- 20 Beginner Towers
- 15 Intermediate Towers
- 3 Advanced Towers
Human Teasing Difficulties[]
Beginner Structures[]
Tower of Weekend Activities
Tower of Inspiring Quotations
Steeple of Peaceful Climbing (climb a mountaib)
The Crib (Edifice)
Greenhouse (Edifice)
Steeple of Walking a Marathon
Intermediate Structures[]
Tower of Rather Peaceful Adventures
Tower Economic Area (TEA, open world so it's hard to judge the type, but it's assumed to be.. a tower)
Steeple of Entrances, and Silly Yeets (you are yeeted between floors and sections)
Tower of Cats Giving Therapy
Tower of Volcanic Acidity
Tower of Expert Necromancy and Impossible Living Skeletons
Tower of Quick-Time Events
Super Silly Steeple
Advanced Structures[]
Tower of Chaotic Victory and Tower of Troublesome Twists
- Accidentally deleted one and I can't add it back on mobile. Both have their own portals but are listed together - person
Steeple of Greenhouse Gases
Grand Tower
- Expected to be HQ.
Steeple of Eating Beans (bad but not GAT level bad)
Edifice of Tricky Traps
TERRIBLE Facility (Tower)
Edifice of Coarse Surfaces
Tower of Chaotic Glitches
The Great Adventure (Steeple)
The Great Outdoors
- Please State Structure Type
Steeple of Bass Pro Fishing
Soul Crushing Difficulties[]
Mentally Insane Structures[]
Edifice of Complaints
Edifice of Drone Infiltration
Theatrical Theoretical Towwr
Extra Edifice
Tower of Martial Arts
- Fighting Arena Tower Thing
Edifice of Painful Solutions
Tower of Punishing Failures
Steeple of Viral Mars Infectors
Curiosity (Edifice)
Steeple of Sudden Septagons
- Most objects are septagons / heptagons
Tower of Orange Marbles
Tower of A Painful Walk
Tower of The Water Crisis
- One of those Story games like Camping
Insanity Inducing Structures[]
Steeple of Backwards Antics
The Perfect Ascent (Steeple)
Edifice of Polar Martian Marathons
Steeple of Plagiarism
- Every jump is taken from another tower in this world
The Treacherous Core (Tower)
Tower of Deficit Hyperactivity
Edifice of Rocket Ships
Return of The Rocketship! (Steeple)
The High Castle (Tower)
Tower of Violent Volcanoes
Life Ending Structures (10)[]
Tower of Grey Reality
Tower of Mechanical Rovers
Turn The Lights Off (Tower)
Tower of Literal Interpretations
- LQ
Tower of Exotic Rain Encounters
- Renamed from Tower of Rare Rain
Tower of Acidic Burns
Edifice of The Rover Reconnection
Steeple of Drinking Butter By The Slab
Tower of Burnout Voyages
Eternalized Structures (8)[]
Steeple of Shifting Mars Sands
The Long Stride (Steeple)
Edifice of Phobos' Peril
Fruit By The Loom (Steeple, shaped like a vine)
Steeple of Deathly Queries
- Was previously Steeple of Demonically Destructive Deletion
Tower of Green Defenders
Colonization (Edifice)
Tower of Malevolent Terraforming
Heart Wrenching Difficulties[]
Devilish Structures (6)[]
Steeple of Incentive Mars-Hopping
Tower of Infinite Qualities
Nullus Abbus (Edifice)
- Secret Edifice
- Keeping it - Conceptia
Steeple of Malicious Terraforming
Internal Suffering (steeple)
Tower of Deimos' Demise
Internally Painful Structures (4)[]
Steeple of Realistic Outbursts of Fire
Edifice of Mankind's Worst Nightmare
Nuclear Outwards (based on the theory that Mars has the conditions of a nuclear fallout)
Tower of The Great Martian Defense
Citadels (3)[]
Obelisk (1)[]
McDonald's (Steeple) (what)
Of Course Not (Tower) (no sense)
Steeple of Allergies (what does this even mean)
Texas Toast's Terrific Trials (above)
Tower of A Suck Leave (above)
Tower of Apocalyptic Lava (I have serious grudges with the difficulty name in the tower name.)
SubWorld 1: Asteroid Belt[]
You might be thinking, isn't this just World 4.5? Well no. There is a difference between them. A subworld can have as many towers as a normal realm but a World Decimal (That is what they are called). Subworlds are also heavily nerfed or buffed. Anyways venture in the asteroid belt and discover the asteroids within! They also can have up to 10 Citadels, 5 Obelisks and even a Great Citadel.
- Tower Count: N/A
- Steeple Count: N/A
- Edifice Count: N/A
- NEaT Count: N/A
- Misc. Count: 11
- Total: 111
- Difficulty Range: Easy to Quantum
- Requirements
- 50 Tower Points
- 30 Beginner Towers
- 24 Intermediate Towers
- 10 Advanced Towers
- Beat the Challenging Difficulty Citadel
Human Teasing Difficulties[]
Intermediate Structures (8)[]
Tower of Dangerous Space Hikes
Steeple of Crater Depths
Tower of Mach-Speed Asteroids
Tower of Deviously Belated Spinners
- Each floor must have exactly 29 spinners.
Tower of a Rocky Traversal
Steeple of Crazy Shooting Stars
Edifice of Bleak Greyness
Not Even A Silly Space Cat
Advanced Structures (11)[]
Tower of Gamma Ray Bursts
Tower of Travelling On Ahuna Mons
Tower of The Neutron Star
- This tower requires you to type in "i love neutron stars" at least 15 times every 2 minutes.
Steeple of Drilling To Exempt (MUST RELATE TO THE REALM)
Tower of Sunray Shenanigans
Tower of Sardonic Perfidiousness
Tower of Covert Space Operations
Steeple of Desolate Desires
Tower of Farcely Dangerous Asteroid Avoidance (MUST RELATE TO THE REALM)
Steeple of Primitive Architecture
Tower of Icy Landscapes
Soul Crushing Difficulties[]
Mentally Insane Structures (13)[]
Edifice of Thrilling Button Hunt
Steeple of Cold, Collapsed Caverns (MUST RELATE TO THE REALM)
Tower of Yearning Fruition
Tower of Infiltrating Bases Within Asteroids (MUST RELATE TO THE REALM)
Edifice of Disco Dimension
Insanity Inducing Structures (15)[]
Tower of Illin Trials
Tower of Perilously Paneling Panic
Life Ending Structures (17)[]
Tower of Internal Bleeding
Eternalized Structures (14)[]
Tower of Fall In A Hole And Die
Renewal (Edifice)
- Part of the Peace Trilogy
Heart Wrenching Difficulties[]
Devilish Structures (11)[]
Possibility (Steeple)
- Part of the Peace Trilogy
Neat of Extreme Zaniness (Mini Tower)
Internally Painful Structures (8)[]
The Hellfire Facility (Tower)
Edifice of a Impossible Ultimatum
Tower of Aimless Hopelessness
Sanctuary (Tower)
- Part of the Peace Trilogy
Death Enticing Structures (2)[]
Citadels (5)[]
Minimum: Insane, Maximum: Malevolent
- N/A
- N/A
Scorpion Den
- The Finale of the Peace Trilogy
- Not actually a scorpion's den, more of a hive (lore!!!)
Obelisk (2)[]
Minimum: Why, Maximum: Simply Beyond
- N/A
SubWorld 1 Structure Rush
SubWorld 1 Soul Crushing Rush
SubWorld 1 True Rush
SubWorld 1 Randomized Structure
Tower of Unimaginably Difficult Obstacles (kinda obvious tbh)
A lot of towers by Evstalk
- Full list here: https://jtohs-joke-towers.fandom.com/wiki/Universe_of_Free_To_Edit?diff=prev&oldid=312989
- Edifice of Disco Dimension and Tower of Internal Bleeding are exempt.
(sussy baka)
World 5: Exterrifiant Gas Gargantuan[]
You have past the asteroid belt. Defeating Mr. Oort Phase 1. You seem to find yourself in a lot more structures than last realm. There are 323 structures. Almost double World 3's. The Noob Zones are back. Looks like you have been challenged. But will it cost you? Time will tell eventually. Good luck in this place. Read about the word "Exterrifiant" here.
“ | ” | |
- A note from Mr. Oort by the credits.
- Tower Count: N/A
- Steeple Count: N/A
- Edifice Count: N/A
- NEaT Count: N/A
- Misc. Count: 13
- Total: 323
- Difficulty Range: Press a Key to Universe Disruption.