JToH's Joke Towers Wiki

Hello person, and welcome to the JToH's Joke Towers Wiki, <INSERT USERNAME HERE>!
This is a fanmade wiki which branches off of the JToH wiki, and none of this stuff is actually canon to JToH. All content here is fanmade. Before contributing, please look at the wiki's Rules, as well as the Manual of Style and the Difficulty Rules if you’re planning on making an unofficial difficulty. However, PLEASE focus on towers. For more information you can go to the Home page of the wiki and/or the About page.

Also, Viranenthusiast has made a main page revamp.


JToH's Joke Towers Wiki
JToH's Joke Towers Wiki
Important Page
Extended Difficulty Chart is an important page and should not be vandalized. It should be protected by admins to some degree. Make sure your edit isn't a sign of vandalism.
This page is incredibly big, containing from 50K to 100K bytes; as a result, it will cause lag on low-end devices. Please do not make large edits.
daaang that page big" - GodPuffer219 on Theoretical.
Hello <INSERT USERNAME HERE> to the Extended Difficulty Chart! This is to prevent the normal Main Difficulty Chart from getting too long so it would be easier to edit. Most of the info is on the main page linked here. Most of these difficulties shouldn't be able to be put on a number scale, but for your pleasure, we have provided that. This will cause inaccuracies between nearby difficulties so feel free to fix those inaccuracies whenever possible. Oh, and classes have had their description changed,so click here to view the last revision before the change of class descriptions.

Without further ado, let’s continue where you left off, shall we?

Class 11 | Unbuildable
Welcome to the beginning of the Extended Difficulty Chart. This marks the start of fiction and unbuildability, so obstacles aren't able to be done directly in Roblox but instead fictionally due to exceeding the 64-bit limit. Adding to that, the obstacles in Peak Class 11 are more than squared of the obstacles in Baseline Class 11, which are slightly above the 64-bit limit, and they're becoming less basic so more complex methods may be required.
Class 11
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
Stardark StardarkText Normal 116
Devastational Thejj Normal 117
Rhombicosidodecahedron 3rd Dimension Normal 118
Supreme Null Supreme-Null Aleph-Chain 119
7C2EF172-5559-46BB-98C4-F9D89CB3EDBF Aleph-Aleph-Null Aleph-Chain / Sub-Difficulty 119.2
ACC33BB3-4368-4254-9F94-0EBBCA9B0D90 Aleph-Void Aleph-Chain / Sub-Difficulty 119.4
D11B3E56-36BD-43FA-8291-25309B27EE6D Aleph-Virus Aleph-Chain / Sub-Difficulty 119.6
B5BBA602-1603-4723-908E-88EDC6DF90D5 Aleph Aleph-Chain / Sub-Difficulty 119.8
Uproarious Uproarious Normal 120
New deathfinite DEATHfinite Normal 121
Unimthinkningable accurancy Questioning Insanity Normal 122
OmnipresentDiff Omnipresent Normal 123
New tb image THE BORDERLINE 6th Fabled / Sub-Difficulty 123.5
CrypticNew Cryptic Normal 124
Craziness Difficulty Image Craziness Normal 125
S P E E D R U N Speedrun Normal 126
Aleph-ts revamp Aleph-TS Normal 127
Aerodynamix Difficulty Aerodynamix Normal 128
Afflictive Afflictive Normal 129
Destroiny Destroiny Class Finale 130

Class 12 | Diabolical
Numbers surpass a googol from this point, making these difficulties in this class absolutely diabolical. Completing/recreating a difficulty in Class 12 will be hopeless to attempt since numbers beyond this point would exceed the number of Planck times since the Big Bang or the number of atoms in the universe and therefore would be basically unable to be represented normally as well.
Class 12
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
Microwave Microwave Normal 131
DualityUserblog Splitting Normal 132
Audiolizer Audiolizer Normal 133
Abolished Abolished Normal 134
MCrazy MCrazy Normal 135
The Black Hole The Black Hole Sub-Difficulty 135.5
DeathwrathNew Deathwrath Normal 136
53 new 53? Normal 137
Complete-Discord Complete:Discord Normal 138
RoorOmegaNew RoorOmega Normal 139
Obstructed Obstructed Normal 140
Inconvenience Inconvenience Normal 141
Libetdelay(no its not) Libet's Delay Normal 142
Supramundane Supermundane Normal 143
Broken Broken Normal 144
Vigorous Vigorous 6th Legendary / Class Finale 145
Anonymous Placement
Trickery Trickery Normal 145.x
Class 13 | Theoretical
As this class name suggests, numbers now exceed the commonly used 1024-bit limit, making this class the start of theoretical impossibility. As these difficulties still exist as concepts only, imagination can go wild. However, difficulties cannot leak to real life, but even if otherwise, they aren't as concrete.
Class 13
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
TheCoolerTheoretical TheoreticalText 7th Fabled 146
Arcanite Arcanite Normal 147
Amalgam Amalgam Normal 148
Doggodeath new icon Doggo Normal 148.5
Shoving Shoving Normal 149
Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Difficultypedia Normal 150
Thereisnodifficulty There Is No Difficulty Normal 151
1437875056 The Crystal HELL Normal 152
OmnipotentDiff Omnipotent Normal 153
Couch couch Normal 154
Are you done yet? Are You Done Yet? Normal 155
Unorganized Reality Unorganized Reality Normal 156
TEXTIFY Textify Normal 157
Acceptance Acceptance Normal 158
BeyondIfinite icon Beyond Infinite Normal 159
Deranged2 Deranged.txt Class Finale 160
Class 14 | Immortalizing
From now on, numbers in each class increase by at least 1 hyperpower per section, hexation as the peak of this class. Difficulties and obstacles get exponentially more insane to the point where they're practically unimaginable by most, and make many obstacles multiversally specific, complex, and precise.
Class 14
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
Aleph-Natsuki Aleph-Natsuki Normal 161
TD2 Teardrop Normal 162
Newarticletext Newarticletext Sub-Difficulty 162.5
Destrall Destrall Normal 163
DoloremAeternaDifficulty Dolorem Aeterna Normal 164
Dullard Dullard Normal 165
Forlornness Fearfulness Normal 166
KaizocoreDifficulty Kaizocore Normal 167
Hallucinogenic new Hallucinogenic Normal 168
TADI without effect The Absolute Dilly Impossible Normal 169
Titanical TITANICAL Sub-Difficulty 169.5
Universal Destruction Universal Destruction Normal 170
Greyness New Greyness Normal 171
JSAD2V Just Difficulties and Towers Normal 172
Treachery Chain (Peak)
DivineD Divinity Normal 173
Ostalute Ostalute Normal 174
Absolute Absolute Class Finale 175
Class 15 | Peak Reality
This class marks the limit of normal logic, meaning that next class will feature beaking logical reasoning. Numbers in this class exceed most, if not, all calculability due to how lengthy the numbers are, which most computers are likely unable to calculate, and at this point, Spiritual Roblox is essential to progress further. Comparing buildability to this would show a great contrast in difficulty, likely comparable to comparing the entry-level of the Main Difficulty Chart to higher classes such as Class 8/9.
Class 15
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
UnknownDiff Unknown Normal 176
Unhappy Slamo Unhappy Slamo Normal 177
Noarticletext Noarticletext Reversed/Deleted? 177.5
Inexplicable larger Inexplicable Normal 178
Byyungspinach Hardest in the Room Normal 179
DevastatingIcon Devastating Normal 180
Indiscernible Indiscernible Normal 181
TON 618 TON 618 Normal 182
Omniomega ΩmniΩmega Normal 183
CataclysmNewest Cataclysm Normal 184
CHAOS XD Revamp CHAOS XD Normal 185
Sakupen Sakupen Normal 186
Namibia new icon Namibia Normal 187
Beyond. Beyond Normal 188
Heat Heat Normal 189
Anonymous Placement
Deception Deception Normal 190.x
Class 16 | Fictional
To begin a difficulty in this class... well, it is hard to say where to begin. Many of these difficulties at this point would contain catches that would contradict the natures of difficulties themselves, making themselves even more of an abstract concept, except now even more indecipherable than before. To even enter a Class 16 difficulty would be a grand achievement. In difficulties like these, there may be catches that prevent the player from accessing the difficulty; for example, there may catches stating that the player must complete the next difficulty to access the difficulty, or that they are not allowed to enter the difficulty, but yet have to complete it to advance.

This class also used to be the final class in the difficulty chart before the chart was extended to 32 classes, and then to 35. Then, the Extermination happened, causing the chart to shrink to 24 classes, along with this class being changed to Class 16.

Class 16
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
New Eternified Partyness Eternified Partyness Normal 191
EvolutionaryActual Evolutionary Normal 192
Nightsky but with no emojicon Nightfall Normal 193
Determination Of Crashing Doom O' Clock Normal 194
Abjunctive Abjunctive Normal 195
Psyhomania Psychomania Normal 196
Unnaed Aleph-Eternity Normal 197
Conclusion Conclusion Normal 198
Zer Zerstörung Normal 199
TomfooleryNEW Tomfoolery Normal 200
NewFRoI Far Reaches of Impossibility Normal 201
P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E Normal 202
Conflicting Conflicting Normal 203
The last one fr Obscene Normal 204
KLJYNewNew KLJY 8th Fabled / Class Finale 205
Class 17 | Nihilist
This class marks the finite limit of numbers, hence it being important on the difficulty chart. Class 17 contains uncomputable numbers, colossal numbers that are abstract and difficult to understand. Beyond Sunt Vera Ultima Sunt Vera Ultima are ordinal numbers and beyond, which are incomprehensibly larger than class 22.
Class 17
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
Mania Mania Normal 206
Rubikube Rubik's Cube Normal 207
Placeholder white N/A Normal 208
VERYNewPie π Normal 209
4th dimensional space 4th Dimension Normal 210
Riftial2 Riftial Normal 211
Average Babass 2023 Average Babass Normal 212
Untitled6 Patterns Normal 213
Dynamicduo DYNAMICDUO Normal 214
C Chain (High)
CollosalMostNewest Colossal C Chain 215
C c Collaborative Chaos C Chain 216
Choice Choice C Chain 217
Oh Rizz! Oh Rizz! Normal 219
Sunt Vera Ultima Sunt Vera Ultima 8th Legendary / Class Finale 220
Class 18 | Jocular
Infinity starts here and from on and out, transcendental impossibility begins. As said in Class 18's description, Class 19 marks the start of infinite/ordinal/cardinal numbers and beyond. This used to be the end of the difficulty chart, until the chart was extended to include 30 classes, being named Class 25. Later on, it was later renamed to Class 28 | Transcending when 3 new classes were introduced to better accomodate the progression of the Extended Difficulty Chart. Then, the Extermination happened, and this got changed to Class 19.
Class 18
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
Unfathomability New Unfathomability Normal 221
Ungraspable Ungraspable Normal 223
Aleph-Math Aleph-Math Normal 224
I can’t believe it’s just a… a… burning… such a sacred thing to… memory? It's Just A Burning Memory Normal 225
Absolutely Unpossible ABSOLUTELY UNPOSSIBLE Normal 226
Sanjay Sanjay2133 Normal 227
PsychoticHellNewIcon Psychotic Hell Normal 228
5th dimension 5th Dimension Normal 229
Dicky wicky Psychosomatic Normal 230
Deterioration Current Deterioration Normal 231
OneSection OneSection Normal 232
Peak (Closed)
RGB RGB Normal 233
Starglass Starglass Normal 234
Deadly Tubular Death Icon DEADLY TUBULAR DEATH Class Finale 235
Class 19 | Eternalized
You're nearing the end as these difficulties break beyond imagination. Past this class lies Effortful, the Un-Chain, Penultimate, and the quintet of ordinals that bridge and connect the gap between the extended chart and TFinD. What lies between you and the end is sheer pain and misery because of the insane logic these difficulties have.
Class 19
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
Mythic Mythic Normal 236
Placeholder white ??? Reserved / Sub-Difficulty 236.5
ENDLESS Endless Normal 237
Brutal Calamity BRUTAL CALAMITY Normal 238
Prevalition Prevalition Sub-Difficulty 238.5
Transmaximal-new Transmaximal Normal 239
Kenos. Kenos Normal 240
Inconcievable Difficulty / Inconcievable Difficulty Stage 2 Inconceivable Sub-Difficulty 240.5
11 11th Dimension Normal 241
Eviscerating Eviscerating Sub-Difficulty 241.5
Spinning skull 💀 Spinning Skull Normal 242
Absolute Infinity ABSOLUTE INFINITY Normal 243
PrimalBabass2023 Primal Babass Normal 244
The Culmination Culmination Sub-Difficulty 244.5
MINDOFTHEPERIPHERAL Empyrean Class Finale 245
Gar-HELL Gar-HELL Sub-Difficulty 245.33
Fragment True Hell Sub-Difficulty 245.66
Class 20 | Conclusive
Welcome to Class 20, also known as the final stretch. Here, you get to face Effortful, Unboundable, Uncomputable, Undefinable, and worst of all, Penultimate. Even though this is the last class with actual difficulties, there is still an immeasurable gap proceeding it. Good luck, you'll really need it here.
Class 20
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
The Final Quintet
Ee Effortful 9th Fabled 246
Unbounded Unboundable Un-Chain 247
Uncomputable Uncomputable Un-Chain 248
Skypoint Undefinable 9th Legendary / Un-Chain 249
Penultimate Penultimate 10th Legendary / Class Finale 250
Class 21 | Ordinals
Here lies the ordinal triplet, not being actual difficulties, but rather obstacle courses, the final challenge before The Final Difficulty. Each ordinal represents an endlessly unbeatable barrier you must overcome, though none can truly compare to the finale. Rating estimates were given, but these ordinals are infinite, albeit not in the same sense or timeline as TFinD. However, they serve to prepare the player for what may inevitably be the end of the difficulty chart.
Class 21
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
Liminal, the first of the ordinals, represents the property of it always being out of the player's reach in terms of skill. Thus, the obstacles of Liminal, if they had existed, would always be beyond the player's skill.
Loxus Liminal Ordinal 251+
Transcendence, the second ordinal, represents another property. Transcendence is a undefinable mess of pure static, making it a truly formidable challenge, taking an indefinite amount of time longer than Liminal.
Transcendence less speed Transcendence Ordinal 251+
Uber, the third and final ordinal, represents the property of being beyond any attempts, surpassing any possible rule or limitation one can put on it.
Uber Current Uber Ordinal 251+
The Upper Gap
The Upper Gap isn't an ordinal, but a representation of how far the ordinals can go without collapsing into The Final Difficulty, even though the range is obviously infinite.
The Upper Gap The Upper Gap Primordial / Class Finale / Gap 115.5 to ∞
A Few Words of Advice
A Few Words of Advice

<INSERT USERNAME HERE>. Sincerely asking, what the hecc is wrong with you? I am both impressed and disappointed in you. Somehow you have managed to overcome the best and the worst of this difficulty chart. Remember when you first started grinding this chart? that was over 1e+303 (or 10^303/centillion) years ago. You have seen it all, the heat death of the entire universe, the end of the black hole era, the death of everyone you love and the big bang over a centillion times. I have not forgotten the first time you checked out this wiki and started. Even though Tfird The First Difficulty was basically free, you still had trouble after class 2. Look where you have come now, overcoming the likes of...

 Tfird The First Difficulty. What started you on this journey.
 JoyfulDiffIcon Joyful. You finished your first Class! From here, you had to first start moving.
 Starter Starter. It took a while to get used to the controls, but you persevered nonetheless.
 EasyDifficulty Easy. You finally got to the first JToH difficulty and beat Tower of Annoyingly Simple Trials for the first time.
 InsaneDifficulty Insane. You finally got past your first soul-crushing difficulty, making you one of the elites!
 TheHumanLimit The Human Limit. You reached the limit of human possibility but somehow still continued onwards.
 Malevolence Malevolent. Not only did you get to the limit of TAS, but you somehow did it without TAS!
 UnthinkableSquare UNTHINKABLE. The physical limit was broken here, all by you, <INSERT USERNAME HERE>.
 Mega Death Error Collapse Blood Ultra Galaxy Spatial System Galaxy Corrupt Horror Frightening Impossible XD Difficulty MegaDeath. The first truly impossible difficulty was conquered right here in OoEDA, and the end of the official chart. 
 New DI Image Dilly Impossible. A pure mess of reflectance, and you entered a realm beyond the official chart.
 Screenshot 2020-09-26 032504 The Crystal Core. A core with a lot of power and radiance, but you overpowered it and gained a ton of skill.
 The MiddlelineNew The Middleline. You got to the second half of the difficulty chart, a half that would take you immeasurably longer.
 New tb image THE BORDERLINE. You somehow made it to theoretical possibility and conquered your half-first class of the Extended Difficulty Chart!
 Destroiny Destroiny. Another fabled, and you somehow made it through despite all hope seeming to be lost.
Vigorous Vigorous. The end of the unbuildable, and the end of pre-theoretical possibility.
 TheCoolerTheoretical TheoreticalText, where the start of theoretical impossibility, and the extended alternate chart began.
 3FF0R7FU1 THE CURSED DIFFICULTY. The old Effortful, and you still were not deterred and won.
 KLJYNewNew KLJY. You beat yet another fabled against all odds and entered Class 17.
 Sunt Vera Ultima Sunt Vera Ultima. You finally made it past the finite numbers and entered the beginning of infinite numbers.
 Absolute Infinity ABSOLUTE INFINITY. Despite it being absolutely infinite, you made your way past it to face Class 20.
 Effortful Effortful. This caused you so much pain but gave so much joy when you finally conquered it.
 QAZ Penultimate. This was the second-to-last difficulty, and you were about to face The Final Difficulty. and its ordinals.
 The Upper Gap The Upper Gap. The final gap, the way to Penultimate.
 Loxus Liminal. Something beyond your skills, yet you still broke that barrier and moved onto the second ordinal.
 Transcendence normal speed Transcendence. An undefinable realm of pure static, and you found your way through it!
 Uber Current Uber. An ordinal that had no rules and above all attempts.

This is it, the end of the chart. You deserve to be here after what you have endured you the best at every job on this planet. Now you have two choices, Choice A, Retire and get any job at anywhere you want or Choice B, Move forward and set history and maybe move on to something outside of videogaming in general.

Class 22 | Finale
This class is reserved for The Final Difficulty, and nothing more. People say this has a rating of 100, but no, that is Vrery hawrfd rdifficutl!!. 250? No, that is Penultimate. This, my friend, is infinity, the supremum of all finite numbers.

The finale of this chart is located alone here because it simply cannot be overshadowed or compared to, at least on this wiki. Even if you have an infinite amount of separate unique catches, none can even get close to THIS..

Nonetheless, this is the end, also called Class ∞. Welcome to Class 22 | Finale, your ending place that you simply cannot continue from. Anything that is apparently harder than this is said difficulty.

Class 22
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
The Finale
Final The Final Difficulty. Primordial
Class Secret | Babass
This is the home of Babass itself. This difficulty is much more legendary, way more important than the Primordials. It is Ethereal. You don't understand how difficult this difficulty is. If you took TFinD and compared it… I don't even know what it would be. It probably wouldn’t even be comparing TFirD to TFinD, so nothing even exists at this magnitude. If you managed to beat the rest of the chart combined, this will be your true stopping point. Why? Because there's literally nothing after this. This is your end. Nobody is beating this.
Class Secret
Difficulty Image Difficulty Name Difficulty Type Difficulty Rating
Reign of Babass
Babass Babass dficuklty ETHEREAL Unending
Other Difficulties on the Main Difficulty Chart
Explanation to Navbox / Notes
Main Pages Difficulty Chart, Classes (Category)

The difficulty tabs always open downwards.

Keep in mind that this navbox was not designed for light mode.

Note that some of the links are broken or redirects of another page.


All difficulties are organized by class and spectrum including sub difficulties. Unclassified difficulties are excluded from this rule.

The Main Difficulty Chart is spilt into two parts: Main Chart and Extended Chart.

Difficulties with long names will get abbreviated. For example, Ifinite-Ifinite-Easy-Ifinite-Easy-Alpha-Easy-Null-Ifinite: Revamp.

Some of the chains are incorporated into the main chart. For example, the Aleph Sequence was integrated into the whole Class 11's chart in attempt to improve connectivity.

Chains with one page are not added to the navbox. The Cat Chain is an example of incorporating all difficulties to form a single page.

Unions will become regular difficulties and placed on their respective classes.

Primordial means difficulties that break up the whole spectrum of the Main Difficulty Chart. This consists five difficulties placed at their respective positions.

Legendary means difficulties earns high respect by the community are ranked as legendary difficulties as they are designed well. These difficulties must be accepted by Nugly in order to become legendary.

Fabled mean that difficulties define new importance and uniqueness to the Main Difficulty Chart.

Ethereal is reserved only for Babass dficuklty, and means that the difficulty is more omnipotent than any other difficulty on the Difficulty Chart.

Former Legendary mean that difficulties used to be legendary are demoted to low position due to quality issues and arguments.

Unclassified means that the difficulty is not placed any class on the Difficulty Chart. It can range from a few to many classes.

Unknown means the difficulty has an unknown placement on the difficulty spectrum and does not appear on the Difficulty Chart.

You can edit this template here.

Difficulties in Each Class
Main Pages Main Difficulty Chart, Extended Difficulty Chart, Classes (Category)
Arranged by Class in the Main Chart
Class Negative

The First Difficulty, The Lower Gap, Negativity, Unimpossible, Friendliness, True Ease, A, Felix the ДА, Exist, Reversed Peripherality, Relax, Skip, Restful, Ifinity, Instant Win

Class 0

Millisecondless, Astronomical, Win, Winsome, Do Nothing, Sleepful, Blessing, Vintage, Ifinitude, Just Air, Happylike, Locomotion, Walkthrough, Automatic Joyful, Unlosable, Shattered Babass, Frivolous, Vibeness, Automatic, Spontaneous

Class 1

Joyful, Do Something, Placid, Press a Key, Tap to Move, Walk A Slope, Climb A Truss, Tranquil, Jumpless, Starter, Cakewalk, Sweet, Sugary, Aesthetic, Lovely, Glee, Flowerness, Coasterifying, A Difficulty Named Difficulty, Piece o' Cake, Pleasant, Tutorial, Hellish Encore, Delightful, TooEasy, Playful, Peaceful, Magnificent, Facile, Effortlessless, Gravel

Class 2

Effortless, Playground, Simple, Easy, Neat, Calmn, Switch, Medium, Normal, Intermediate, Rewardable, Hard Tricky, Difficult, Strenuous, Challenging, Irritating, Maniacal, Intense, TooMedium, Severe, Remorseless, C0RrUpT, Relentless

Class 3

Insane, Thanos, Madness, Classical, Extreme, Turmoil, Absurd, Terrifying, Ghastly, Horrifying, Petrifying, Catastrophic, Champion's Road, Eccentric, Horrific, Reversed, Eternal, Unreal, Treacherous, HYPER, Anguish, The Human Limit

Class 4

nil, Jank, The Heart of Void, eRRoR, Nightmare, Literal, WHY, Maximum Overdrive, No, Purgatory, DEATH, Nullifying, HELL, Vortex TARTARUS, CALAMITY, Neutralize, Killjoying, Unimaginable, Dimension, Omega, Disarray, SUFFER, CHAOS, Aleph-Null, Mystical, Reality, Immeasurable, Noxious, Malicious, Autism, Malevolent

Class 5

Building, Under Construction, Does Not Compute, Artificial, Hellicious, Invigorating, Apocalyptic, Eternal Outrage: Remake, Destructive, Dissonant, Mischievous, ᴇʟᴅʀɪᴛᴄʜ, Monstrous, Inimical, Horrendous, Ultimate, Nought, System Error, Error.exe, Simply Beyond, Ultra, Critical

Class 6

Winter, Fatal Error, U DED SON, REEE... !!!, Nonexistent, D-I-E, Absolutism, Exigent, Shocking, Victor, Oblivion, QUANTUM, Everdark, Y E E T U S, DELETE, MOVE, Xi-Alpha, D-E-L-T-A, Ÿ, Theta-Void, Ultimaniac, Supreme, Phi, UNTHINKABLE

Class 7

Ultra Instinct, Mortifying, Dreadful.exe, Transfinite, RoorXD, RoorHELL, Jesus Ballin', HyperViolent, Enclosed, El Vacio, Universe Disruption, Complete: Obstacles, Illegal, Bad Request, Universal Glitch, FalseGanar, Hopeless, Plum Bloc, Gameifying, Infinity, Doog, Dissension, MegaDeath, TooPrecise

Class 8

Epitome, Agony, ILOVEYOU, Abyssal, Dilly Impossible, Gigaversal, Unreasonable, Imperative, Arcane, COMMUNISM, Detroit, Sacrificingly Impossible, Satan Tartarus Lucifer Void, QR Code, Errorisation, Godlike, Esoteric, Complete Users, BobuxDeath, Limiting, The Crystal Core

Class 9

Rush, Aleph-VSC, Misery, Mysterious, Undocumented, Denial, Aleph-Something, Omniscient, Enigmatic, Vrery hawrfd rdifficutl!!, Free-smiley.de, HELLWRATH, Hellacious, LOOP, Bryanjr4474, Eɼɼosion, The Middleline

Class 9/10

Confusion (Unknown)

Class 10

Dynamix, Eshinion, Caught, TooAbnormal, Catch, IMPOSSIBLE.EXE, Exploitist Elite, TooTooHard, True Obama Prism, Zany, Oh Noez!, Viratical, Pinnacle

Class 10/11

Missing (Unknown)

Arranged by Class in the Extended Chart
Class 11

Stardark, Devastational, 3rd Dimension, Supreme-Null, Aleph-Aleph-Null, Aleph-Void, Aleph-Virus, Aleph, Uproarious, DEATHfinite, Questioning Insanity, Omnipresent, THE BORDERLINE, Cryptic, Craziness, Speedrun, Aleph-TS, Aerodynamix, Afflictive, Destroiny

Class 12

Microwave, Splitting, Audiolizer, Abolished, MCrazy, The Black Hole, DeathWrath, 53?, Complete: Discord, RoorOmega, Obstructed, Inconvenience, Libet's Delay, Supermundane, Broken, Vigorous

Class 12/13

Trickery (Unknown)

Class 13

Theoretical, Arcanite, Amalgam, Doggo, Shoving, Difficultypedia, There Is No Difficulty, The Crystal HELL Omnipotent, Couch, Are You Done Yet?, Unorganized Reality, Textify, Acceptance, Beyond Infinite, Deranged

Class 14

Silent, Teardrop, Newarticletext, Destrall, Dolorem Aeterna, Dullard, Fearfulness, Hallucinogenic, TADI, TITANICAL, Universal Destruction, Greyness, Just Difficulties and Towers, Divinity, Ostalute, Absolute

Class 15

Unknown, Unhappy Slamo, Noarticletext, Inexplicable, Hardest in the Room, Devastating, Indiscernible, TON 618, ΩmniΩmega, Cataclysm, CHAOS XD, Sakupen, Namibia, Beyond, Unforgiving Destruction, Heat, THE CURSED DIFFICULTY

Class 15/16


Class 16

Eternified Partyness, Evolutionary, Nightfall, DOC, Abjunctive, Psychomania, Aleph-Eternity, Conclusion, Zerstörung, Tomfoolery, FRoI, P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E, Conflicting, Obscene, KLJY

Class 17

Mania, Rubik's Cube, π, 4th Dimension, Riftial, Average Babass, Patterns, DYNAMICDUO, Colossal, Collaborative Chaos, Choice, THE GREAT TRANASANIC COMBINATION, Oh Rizz!, Sunt Vera Ultima

Class 18

Unfathomability, IT TRANSCENDS ALL, Ungraspable, Aleph-Math, It's Just A Burning Memory, ABSOLUTELY UNPOSSIBLE, Sanjay2133, Psychotic Hell, 5th Dimension, Psychosomatic, Deterioration, OneSection, RGB, Starglass, DEADLY TUBULAR DEATH

Class 19

Mythic, Endless, BRUTAL CALAMITY, Prevalition, Transmaximal, Kenos, Inconceivable, 11th Dimension, Eviscerating, Spinning Skull, ABSOLUTE INFINITY, Primal Babass, Culmination, Empyrean, True Hell, Gar-HELL

Class 20

Effortful, Unboundable, Uncomputable, Undefinable, Penultimate

Class 21

Liminal, Transcendence, Uber, The Upper Gap

Class 22

The Final Difficulty

Other Difficulty Chains
Renowned Difficulties